Appeal for Nature and Humanity

Urged by the stances of our leaders – remember, for example, the establishment of the Day of Prayer for the Protection of Creation (Patriarch Demetrio, 1989), the Evangelical Climate Initiative (2006) and the encyclical Laudato Si’ (Pope Francis, 2015);

In recognition of the debt that we, the people of ancient Christian tradition, have contracted with the poor of the Earth and future generations due to the pollution of the Biosphere, mainly caused by our irresponsible progress in the recent past centuries;

Aware that the alarm for climate change may become an opportunity for a novel integral development of all people;

10 challenges

We Christians, open to the contribution of all people regardless of their beliefs, commit ourselves in prayer and action to avoid the destruction of nature and a new world war, and endorse the following ten challenges:

  1. To convert in projects of peace the weapons disseminated around us, especially the atomic ones
  2. To increase research in the Biosphere science and its applications, so that they can become safer
  3. To differentiate and recycle household and industrial waste
  4. To intensify the use of renewable energy sources
  5. To plan reforestation programs and forest policies at all levels (from local to international)
  6. To strengthen ecological transports, such as electric and hydrogen based cars, and local public transport initiatives
  7. To increasingly allocate hydrocarbons to the production of substances and materials useful for humanity rather than using them for burning
  8. To avoid the waste of precious common goods such as water and food, ensuring a more equitable distribution
  9. To respect other living beings, recognizing that everything is in relation in the planet
  10. To transform our homes, our neighbourhoods and cities into places of beauty, harmony and fraternity


  • Adhering to our leaders’ stances and promoting complying laws, such as the Paris Agreement
  • Promoting initiatives in accordance with the “Golden Rule” and joining the initiatives of other people, regardless of their belief
  • Asking for advice to our communities and cooperating with them in promoting actions to save nature and humanity

We can achieve these goals if we start now, before it is too late. In particular, we can help ensure that greenhouse gases do not exceed the safety levels, as foreseen by the Paris Agreement and recommended by the scientific community.

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