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The Contribution of Natural and Human Sciences to a New Synthesis of Personal, Environmental, Social, and Economic Dimensions


18-20 October 2024

Castel Gandolfo, Italy

Cordoba, Argentina




It is possible to participate in the meeting in three different ways:
1. IN PRESENCE: You need to register to the meeting by specifying this participation mode if you want to be
personally present to the meeting at the venue of Castel Gandolfo or at the Córdoba headquarters having the
opportunity to interact with the speakers all the time and also to show your activity to other participants.

2. ON LINE: You need to register to the meeting by specifying this participation mode if you want to follow the
meeting online by using your device (pc, notebook, tablet, or mobile). You will have the opportunity to interact
with the speakers during the sessions and to show your activity to other participants. After your registration, you
will receive a link to connect using the Zoom platform. This modality will be active to follow the planetary sessions
and the program developed at CastelGandolfo.


REGISTRATION (at the Castelgandolfo headquarters)*

To register for the congress, at the Castelgandolfo headquarters complete the Google form, specifying
the venue and mode of participation in the following form https://forms.gle/n3Lbdzs8vCBhSRtU9
 (in English and Italian)



The conference accepts abstracts written in English or Italian (CG) or Spanish or Portuguese (Córdoba),
with a maximum of 250 words. Abstracts must include a title, authors and corresponding affiliations,
and the e-mail of the author presenting the contribution. Always include the English translation of the
summary at the end, for later publication.
The abstracts to be submitted should be written under the proposal to better understand how
relational sustainability represents a holistic concept that encompasses the connections between
individuals, between people and nature and between individuals and society. The theoretical approach
should respond to how each of the different sciences can find a way to build the necessary relationships
to achieve sustainability by ensuring a prosperous future for people, nature and society as a whole.
Abstracts should be in a Word format template and sent to
Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo., or
Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. specifying whether you prefer an oral or poster presentation,
or if you have no preference, and in which of the two venues the work will be presented.
The template for the submission of abstracts will be available until 1 July.
The abstracts will be published as proceedings by the São Camilo University Centre Publications
Department. Authors who are interested can send their articles to the magazine indexed by Scopus "O
Mundo da Saúde" (
https://revistamundodasaude.emnuvens.com.br/mundodasaude), in the
environmental health section. They will be reviewed by peers who will decide their final acceptance.


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Europe: Centro Mariapoli, Via S. Giovanni Battista De La Salle, 00073 Castel Gandolfo RM, Italy

Latin America: Centro Mariápolis Alta Gracia, Ruta C 45 Km. 21, 5186 Alta Gracia, Córdoba, Argentina.
Tel +54 3547 580778; @centro_mariapolis_ag


Learn more on the New Humanity website: https://www.new-humanity.org/



New ways towards integral ecology:

five years after Laudato Si’

Castel Gandolfo, Italy, 23-25 October 2020





The environmental crisis represents one of the most urgent and critical problems of our times. In 2015, Pope Francis launched his encyclical letter Laudato Si’ emphasizing the need “to enter into dialogue with all people about our common home … before it is too late”. At five years since its publication, we would like to look at the impact of this document on the contemporary world and the new ways explored towards an Integral Ecology. These new ways explore a relational view of ourselves and of the natural world, of which we are an intrinsic part, and how we relate with nature from the ethical, scientific, societal and even theological points of view.

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Convegno internazionale EcoOne 2018

Nature breaks limits

Roma, 20-22 April 2018

Sala Conferenze presso "I Gigli della Montagna" - Via Monte Senario, 81 - Roma

Rifletteremo insieme su come i limiti – geografici, naturali, tecnologi-ci… – possono diventare trampolini di lancio per un futuro sostenibile del genere umano e dell’ambiente terrestre.

 Clicca qui per iscriverti 

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Convegno internazionale

Relationality: between environmental awareness and societal challenges

Budapest, 27-29 maggio 2016

vai alla pagina del convegno (English).

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Convegno internazionale

Relazionalità naturale e coscienza ambientale

Castel Gandolfo, 4-6 aprile 2014

vai alla pagina del convegno (Italiano | English)

Scarica questo file (V2014Proceedings-Castel-Gandolfo.pdf)Fiorani, LucaAtti Convegno 2014 [EN|IT]9633 kB

Convegno internazionale

Il sistema forestale

modello ecologico di relazionalità in natura

Castel Gandolfo, 4–6 maggio 2012

Convegno internazionale

Biodiversità e sostenibilità

Castel Gandolfo, 13-15 maggio 2011

Convegno internazionale

Sostenibilità ambientale e questione energetica

Castel Gandolfo, 14-16 maggio 2010

Convegno internazionale

Sostenibilità ambientale

coscienza e partecipazione nella gestione dei rifiuti

Castel Gandolfo, 17-19 aprile 2009


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